E-mail etiquette is very important in the working space. A modicum of straight-laced, formal writing is required when you are drafting up an email, especially in your emails to your BOSS. Communicating via email to your boss should be...Emails to your boss

Views: 216

Comment by Katrina Kibben on July 23, 2015 at 11:20am

Hey Jan - welcome to RBC!

While we're totally cool with cross posting, I'd definitely recommend posting a little more of the content than you're bringing over now. It's not quite clear what your post is about before you jump to the read more and that might entice people to check out your blog.

Thanks for posting and again, welcome! 

Comment by Jan Hudson on July 23, 2015 at 11:42am

Thanks Katrina for the advice.  We are happy to take it!  Love the site. 


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