Epic Fail: Why you may be missing the right people

Conversation with John Rose

Are you getting the right people for your open positions?  Do you know why not?  What do you need to do to up your game?

It is an epic fail if you post a position description written by the legal department with no input from the hiring manager and your marketing team.

What one thing must the person you hire for that open position do in the first 30 days?  Is there more?  What about the next 30, 60, 90?  How will you know that this person succeeds?

What if you ask for the wrong thing in the job posting?  What a waste of time!  Don't use the legal department's conservative, risk-averse mindset as an excuse to eliminate the right person for the job!

You want to know what they "bring to the table", but you also need to know what you want them to do with it!

Let me know if you need some help!

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