Facebook Graph Search: don't get caught with your pants down

OK, so it has finally happened.  We’ve talked about it for years, we’ve argued about it in the bar and in the board room:
“Facebook will always be for my personal stuff and Linkedin is always for my professional stuff.”

Not so fast. 

With Facebook's new Graph Search, your personal life and your professional life have just collided.  In a VERY big way.

Released in Beta in January, 2013, Graph Search is Facebook’s new people search tool.  The name isn't very sexy, but what it can do for recruiters, marketers, and those of you looking to troll Facebook to find a date is actually pretty powerful.  Almost scary.

Facebook has been collecting data on us for years.  With 1.6 billion people logging in every month and more than 600 million users connecting to Facebook daily, Facebook knows where we go, what we eat, who we’re friends with and what we like.  Now, with Graph Search, that information is available to ANY user, whether they’re a Facebook...

Read the full article on my blog:


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