I wrote this after midnight in one take and hope it makes sense:).

It’s been a while since I’ve written or posted anything to Recruitingblogs or even my own blog or community. To be honest, the reason is I wasn’t sure if I was going into or out of business with my new company, ExecuSource. I had to table part of my business plan and
put all of my efforts into developing my new business. That is, when I wasn’t working part-time in
construction to make ends meet while I prayed for things to turn around. Eventually, just as I was ready to throw in
the towel I got the call that my EVP candidate was getting hired. The fee was almost enough to keep me afloat
for a full year!

After that eventually I would make another and then several other deals. Now, I’m moving back to New York next month to continue growing my company. I have a
new outlook now, though as coming face to face with failure and feeling as
though I sabotaged my career humbled me.
My first 6 months in recruiting I wasn’t any good but once I got it I
had always been extremely productive. My
business was the longest I ever went without making a deal. I kept reading books along the way and hearing
people say fake it to make it and scared money or people can’t sell and a
thousand other clichés.

A funny thing happened along the way though. I developed my own mantra, “faith and effort.” It’s not quite fake it to you make it, but it’s a better fit for me. I was determined not to my fear of failure and fear of the recession run my life and run my out
of business. I still have a lot of work
to do before ExecuSource is what I want it to be for myself and others but I’m
a lot closer than I was a year ago. And
we’ll all be further along a year from now.

The reason I believe the worst is behind us is that hiring in financial services in New York City is picking up. It’s not 1999 and it’s not 2005 but things are getting
better. The recession, social
networking, cloud computing, the rise of Linked In are all reasons why
corporate recruiters are going to be calling for the death of third party
recruiting. Refuse to hear it if you’re
a third party recruiter; or if you believe them, join them.

I don’t know what to call this post, if anyone will even read it or care but my point is that it’s not time to give up, worry or hang our heads. Its time to come together, connect with each other, support one
another and believe. Our country is
going through a difficult time but we will get through it and so will our
industry. This is the greatest country
in the world despite what they say the dollar the worth and our industry is the
greatest and probably the second oldest profession in the world and we’re not
going anywhere. And the recovery may be long or slow but our country the
recruiting industry will bounce back.
Continue to have faith and effort and you will be there to reap the
rewards. Feel free to reach out to me or
comment if you need support or ideas on how to pull through or if there is
anything I can help you with. There are
so many people on RecruitingBlogs that are way more connected and smarter than
me though, so if you need help don’t give up, raise your hand (and believe) and
you, like me, will be OK.

Views: 72

Comment by pam claughton on March 15, 2010 at 9:48am

This is a great post! Am glad to see you were able to ride things out. I agree too that the market is definitely picking up and 2010 should be a much better year for most of us. Faith and effort are what works for us as well. We focus on the things we can control, call activity, submissions and sendouts, and trust that they will result in placements.

What has helped me too is keeping in mind a few things I learned many years ago when starting out in recruiting, which is "the numbers don't lie." Meaning, if your activity levels are consistent, your placements will be as well.

And secondly, and this one I think about all the time because it's so often true, "half of all your 'sure thing' deals will not happen, so plan accordingly." Meaning you can't count on anything, there are so many moving parts and things that can change at the last minute, so you want to have as many balls in the air as possible at all times.



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