Five sensitive things concerning the generation of millennials – millennials as employees

The current generation of young adults born in the 1980s and 90s have rewritten the standards which had previously been commonplace in the workplace. For traders, this is a strategic purchasing power - for employers, it is an interesting human capital. The behavior and demands of millennials in the workplace are a challenge for staff. has attempted to summarize 5 strategic sensitive areas for millennials in the workplace.


What to think about if you want to be successful in building employer branding amongst millennials?

1, Do not underestimate the power of their experience

Young adults prefer experiences to material goods. The power of experience is much more important to them than the need to possess something. This trend includes travelling, gastronomy, sports and entertainment. A characteristic which materializes in social media accounts and can generate a lavish response and interaction.

 Experiences are essential in building brands, because it is experiences which are building relationships not only for colleagues, but also for the development of employer branding. Non-financial benefits focused on experiences and emotions are also an interesting component. They care for new impulses. It is what employees remember most when they talk about their work with their friends and acquaintances. Energy-charged memories not only improve their mood, they are also a popular subject of peer-to-peer conversations. Paylab has an overview of what business benefits offer to its employees most often.


2, Leadership and Critical Thinking

 Young millennials in the workplace often have a problem in accepting authority. Managers, who demand attention and respect, will never naturally be accepted as leaders. A reserved manager issuing only brief orders is already a relic. Managerial approaches and productivity gains, tend to be involved in the decision-making process more directly, rather than closely supervise them with direct tasks. Listening to new ideas and continuous feedback on their work is very important for millennials. Do not underestimate it, on the contrary, take full advantage of the critical thinking of the current young generation of millennials as employees.


3, The Correct Tone of an Employer's Voice

Style of communication is very important in terms of how to communicate with millennials, for employees today. Technologically competent young people are struggling with the visual side of communication. They perceive an employer's brand through the optics of design and image, so the end result is also affected by the methods of communication and its timing. Informative emails are no longer enough for internal communications. Millennials are packed with plenty of information on a daily basis, so it is important to care about how to engage them. It is appropriate to use modern ways of how to communicate with millenials, e.g. videos, technology platforms, creative and interactive events. It is advisable to choose the correct style of language which should be casual and highlight the main message.


4, Flexibility and Space for Individualism

 In terms of millennials as employees, it is said that millennials do not change their work habbits, but work challenges change them. It is therefore extremely important to emphasize the meaningfulness of projects and to take care of new impulses in their workflow. In the context of communication and increased retention of millennials, it is fine if the company offers flexibility in the allocation of human resources – the visualizing of further perspective. Employees should feel that they have the opportunity to work on other projects / challenges within the company in the near future. This is especially important because millennials perceive their careers much more dynamically and change their jobs more often than older generations.

The other variable that carries weight with millennials in the workplace is space for individualism. The variation should also cover the benefits scheme.


5, Transparency in Remuneration and Approach

 Millennials as employees are demanding and therefore, naturally, have higher expectations of companies. Innovative companies advocate a transparent approach in regard to payment methods. This concerns, in particular, open communication with employees in terms of how the company is performing and how employee remuneration is set. Attention is paid to fairness. This business policy is especially felt by young women who are sensitive to gender discrimination, not only in terms of payment, but also in terms of leadership and career growth. For many businesses, the issue of diversity and variability (employees of different age, gender, race and nationality ...) has become a priority in the hiring process. It is also important to communicate regularly and to highlight the company's interest in its employees. There are significant differences in the financial behavior of millennials born in the 1980s and thos.... Paylab also deals with the issue of salary disclosure in a separate press release with the results of an international survey.

Views: 527

Comment by Keith D. Halperin on September 23, 2017 at 11:50am

Thanks, Daniela. Can you show us the sources of your information? Are these validated, peer-reviewed studies?


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