Another installment in my series of UnModerated blogs:
By and large I reject the notion of Talent Community all together. The very idea that people are inclined to "connect" with a company over a long period of time - hanging out backstage like groupies at a Rolling Stones concert, hoping to get the call to join the team, is nonsense.
Sorry - but this is primarily a pipe dream for most employers. Most employers are not cool, hip spots like Google or Starbucks. My clients sell car tires, put together wire harnesses, deliver cargo across the country and make boxes.
People don't want to hang out in some contrived "community" learning (and dreaming) about what it's like to work in my client's plant that is struggling with union issues right now. They are not "engaged" with my client that simply makes thousands of aluminum lids every day - no one gets hurt - and they all go home safely.
They may stumble into a "TC" when looking for a job - but they aren't pitching a tent and waiting for you. They're looking for a new job. Do you have one they might fit? Great. You don't? See ya later. It's no more complicated than that.
There goes my social life. I guess i will have to quit hanging out in talent communities engaging in all that entertaining, engaging conversation about Doritos.
I like to think of the RBC as a Talent Community of Talent Professionals, but not sure that would meet anyone's formal definition. ; )
It's just an industry buzz phrase invented by those who can maybe make a few bucks out of the notion of a talent community. truth is, only the very sad hang out in forums with strangers for months on end in the vague hope a job may result at the end of it. People generally want action, immediacy, a result, not some lame line about how it;s the way things are going. Job seeking is an individual, personally thing. There aren't enough hours in the day to hang out and schmooze in forums with companies you might one day want to work for. It's just a plain crazy idea, as I say, touted by those organisations that have something to gain by getting people to believe their hype.
I think you are half right Jerry... and half wrong. The wrong bit is going to hurt niche recruiters over time, because "traditional" sourcing methods are going to become increasingly ineffective. Yes, talent communities are a pipe-dream for many. They take work and they take smarts because - as you intimate -its going to need something special to keep them engaged
But you are wrong if you think its impossible. Also you miss the mark here "They're looking for a new job.". thats the point! You are building a community mostly of people who are NOT looking for a job...right now...but might day.At Firebrand I believe we are starting to build a real community. 50,000 twitter followers between the FB twitter stream and senior staff. And they are targeted followers in our space . When we tweet one of our blogs (Firebrand blog, not me) we get maybe 150 -250 Rts. 30,000 people reading the blog a month (FB not mine), 20,000 people entered their data in our on line community salary survey too etc etc..that is a BIG audience of people who know us, and like us a "talk" to us. We calculate 10 candidates a week approach us for a job - DIRECTLY from this community. They may have engaged with us for a year or more before we get the DM "Hey guys thinking of moving, got any cool UX gigs going?"
That is GOLD
The difference Greg is that your 'talent community' is following a search firm not a company. or are the 10 candidates a week approaching you for a job at your firm? BIG difference when potential candidates follow a recruiting firm to learn what is going on because you represent more than ONE company. Potential candidates will not follow a company for very long in hopes that by following them they get a job - unless they follow all possible companies in the world.... That would be just plain sad that they spent their life sitting on the sidelines following and not being proactive which would leave them out of the running for a position with any company.
I agree with Tim, this is a Talent Community with common interest. Have some experience myself in running a community or two. What works is common interest and obviously the amount of traffic or members.
Most small and medium businesses would have trouble generating any interest in their website or talent community. They don't have the time or resources to create gimmicks or have creative staff to constantly self promote. What attracts HR folks is not the same that brings in engineers, finance, one size doesn't fit all.
I think it would be like a lot of other sites where people sign and up and it seems a good idea at the time. Following a distinct lack of activity or signs of hope, the person who signed up with enthusiasm wil drift away for a few months, remember one day months down the line that they haven;t visited for a while, by which time they'll have forgotten their password or user name or both, they'll get the company send them an email with both, log back in and see that nothing much has changed - and repeat ad infinitum.
I agree that the build it and they will come mentality is lacking in the case of TCs. Like Jerry stated, the main problem I find is that most companies are not sexy enough to draw a crowd of groupies to just sit around until they get invited back stage.
The other situation that continuously gets ignored, as Sandra pointed out, is that at some point the TC will consist of people that have never been or never will be considered as well as those considered and rejected. Now what?
I've actually joined a few TCs just to monitor what different companies are doing to "engage" their TC. So far, not seeing anything particularly impressive.
One of my contacts shared with me that a corporate recruiter contacted them a while back to invite them to join a TC, they had a nice chat and discussed possible fit for future openings. All nice and pleasant. So then few months later, my pal spots an open position that looks good. They get in touch with the original recruiter who is supportive and encouraging about them being considered, yet they merely directed my friend to apply online through the ATS. Hmmm, not even being a TC member helped get to the front of the line... Not exactly what I would call engagement.
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