Interesting experience today, well maybe I over thought it. OK let me explain it.
I was driving in the car with two hungry and tired kids and a weary wife, suddenly a song comes on the radio. I wouldn't have heard that song since high school, circa 1990. Here I am hoping I'd learned a bit since then (which could have replaced such rubbish), but wouldn't you know it. BANG... Total recall, phrasing, timing, words everything. Blew me away. And the singing probably scarred the kids for life...

OK I get the whole, music being the soundtrack of our lives, and I know my brain is littered with songs of a love sick teenager, a triumphant sporting success, wonderful BBQs and parties with friends etc, which are etched there forever.
BUT, This song did not fall into that category, it didn't have a huge impact on my life, it was Sinead O'Connors, "Nothing Compares to you". I cringe just thinking about it really.
However it got me thinking, what kind of stuff actually gets caught in your subconscious memory, by repetition. Which this surely is, as I remember not going 15 minutes without hearing it on the radio, back in the day.
I wonder what else is in there? Did I actually learn things from that first dodgy job? (would I remember how to drive a forklift?) Did the repetition of being on the phone, or using the interview guide as a script? Did I actually learn stuff from that old Manager of mine who would go running every lunch time in those running shorts, which showed too much of his "personality" to the girls in the office?
I am definitely a product of my past, it is all in there somewhere (says me tapping my head) it's amazing what will come back when you need it, and what won't no matter how hard you try, and you know it is in there! (Oh Hate that)
So I'm trying to use my new found wisdom for good and not bad. I've turned off the oldie radio station (the kids are thankful) and am trying to access that old dark shadows of my mind, hello... ? hello....? is there anyone in there? (hmmm why is there an echo in here?)
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