Hire Slow and Fire Fast -- Are You Kidding?

Hire Slow and Fire Fast  

The latest buzz words in recruiting ...

Hire Slow?

I have an idea for you. If you have the luxury of hiring slow, don't fill the job at all. Eliminate the position all together, you'll save your company money and be hailed as the next corporate genius. If it doesn't affect the corporation when the position is vacant, then forget it. Why fill it at all? Seems like a waste of money to any sensible person. *

* WARNING: DO NOT keep the position opened forever, the result is the same as eliminating the position, but nobody will notice.

Hire Slow?

Why? Because you can't make a decision.

Hire Slow?

Good for you. Hopefully you run a philanthropic organization, and the position you are trying to fill has nothing to do with fundraising.

Hire Slow?

How much does it cost your company every day in dollars and man hours that the job is vacant? You should know the number, shouldn't you? Then, the action can be made on which you base your decision to fill slow or fast. Does it cost more money to leave the job open, or to buy Super Bowl advertising minutes to fill it? You know, that kind of accounting, business decision making kind of thingy. Think profit. 

The Hire Fast Approach

Hire Fast

Be an aggressive team player for your company, a decision maker is a winner. 

Hire Fast

Believe in your company, and aggressively pursue the best candidates in the market.

Hire Fast

The only people left at the end of a long process, are the people who didn't get an offer from your competitor. You settle for less. You get the last pick.

I remember being the last pick in sixth grade softball. Trust me you don't want the last pick.

You might want to argue with me about this, but I'm right. I'm right because I watch the hiring game from the stands.

Hire Fast

Or lose to your competition.

From my viewing angle, I watch as candidate’s interview with several companies.

The good ones always do. Even if you think the candidate is all yours, the best candidates are cheating on you. The worst will if given the chance.

From the spectator’s seat, I know the candidates. I know that the best one is interviewing with Company A, B, C, and you. I know one thing: First company to come up with an offer is the winner! Rare is the candidate who doesn't recognize a bird in the hand. If you hire slow, mired in indecision, you lose. I see it every day.

Fire Fast?

Having a bad day are you?

I have no advice when to fire. None what so ever. I'm not inside your organization. No view at all from me. Your call.

I'll trust your call if you fire fast, you are in the trenches with the new hire.

I am in the trenches with the candidates. Trust me, Hire Fast.

Views: 353

Comment by RecruitingBlogs on October 2, 2014 at 10:15am

Love this. You're exactly right. If you're hiring slow, you probably don't need them at all. Thanks for contributing!

Comment by Anna Brekka on October 2, 2014 at 10:50am



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