How aggregators are utilized by job boards: survey results

About a month ago, I asked job boards around the world to participate in the 2014 Aggregator Usage survey. This study asked about how job boards really use aggregators, which ones they actually use, and what their plans were for future use. The response was phenomenal! .

The responses provided some interesting insights into the role of aggregators in the job board industry. As everyone knows, less than a decade ago aggregators first appeared on the scene. Now there are dozens of them around the world, and they've become integral to many job boards' (and employers') recruiting efforts.

Let's take a quick look at what we found out:

  •  Over 3/4 of respondents are currently using aggregator services (either paid or unpaid)
  • Indeed, SimplyHired, Juju, ZipRecruiter, and JobG8 are the top choices in terms of use
  • The top aggregators in terms of generating revenue for job boards were RealMatch, JobG8, BurningGlass, Juju, Indeed, and TopUSAJobs
  • Most job boards are spending less than $12K annually on aggregators - but a substantial minority are spending more than $250K
  • Only 1/3 of general job boards are planning to increase their aggregator spend in the coming year - but over 2/3rds of niche sites (geographic) will increase their spend
  • LinkedIn's and Monster's recent decision to aggregate jobs seems to be of little concern to respondents

Grab your own copy now - click here (free registration is required).

Thanks again to everyone who participated - hope you find this useful!

Views: 286

Comment by Matt Charney on September 29, 2014 at 11:24am

These aggregate statistics on aggregators are pretty awesome, Jeff. Appreciate you as always!


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