How Can You Be the Best and Recruit the Best?

As a recruiter, you assume that you are in charge.

You have all the power, right? You hold the keys to the kingdom, so to speak. You have the client, you have access to the world of candidates, and only you can join the two. In a sense, you're a matchmaker.

But a lot can happen to prevent the perfect match.

As the following article shows, if you are looking at 7 ways to be as productive as the person next to you, then get to it today.

Do you want to be the best recruiter out there? Do you want to have the best clients and get candidates to come to you? It's possible.

Here's how in two easy steps….

1. Be a good listener

Obviously, you don't have hours to spend on the phone or on Skype listening to your clients or job candidates talking about their needs. After all, you want to have a personal life like everyone else, right? But you can listen without being there.

Online forms are much more than a way to get people to submit contact information.

They can provide a portal to let people vent about what matters to them and find out what they are looking for in a job or an employee. They can also be a great way to let people express their opinions about how you're doing.

Can you handle the truth?

If you can, than online forms are great ways to give the people in your universe the power to pass that truth on to you.

Better Communication Results

Online forms allow your clients and candidates to communicate with you without the need to for you to actually be there in live time.

With an online form service, you can read and absorb the concerns of your customers at a time that's convenient to you.

With some services, you can even download and import submitted data into dashboard software that can be read and analyzed by any members of your staff that you choose. That's powerful.

2. Be honest

All sales people fall into the temptation trap to offer more than is truly on the table.

One reason recruiters do this may be because you feel that the job doesn't have enough benefits to attract the kind of candidates the employer is looking for. Or maybe you want to appear that you represent more upper class clients than you really do. Or maybe you just have a tendency to exaggerate.

Whatever the reason, you need to see that you're not doing anyone any favors.

Honesty is always the best policy, whether you're selling used cars or new jobs.

Use your honesty as an advantage instead of a disadvantage.

If your corporate client doesn't have an enticing benefits package, sell the job as a stepping stone. If your candidate doesn't exactly fit the bill of what the employer is looking for, sell them as being pliable.

You can be honest and be creative, and the two go hand-in-hand.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of Ambro at

About the Author: Kate Supino writes extensively about best business practices.

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