This is probably a topic I have already had my say on. If not, please let me ramble for a few minutes on the importance of some personal information on an online profile (used to acquire business)

I think it is safe to say that most of us are active on Linked In, Twitter, Facebook, Recruiting Blogs, (or any blog in general) and on these and many other sites we have been asked to provide some information of a personal nature (Name, E-mail, Phone Number, or any way someone can contact you). Its surprising how many people don’t leave any information at all, or give half an effort, almost like they don’t want any contact, just the ability to give their point of view on anything, because it is the one that counts.

Especially interesting is the amount of people who have a fantastic looking Linked-In profile, complete with a decent profile picture and glowing recommendations, but NO e-mail address or contact phone number!! Why do half a job? It would seem to me that setting up a profile in the first place would be to attract interest, either if your abilities are needed by someone (in a hiring position), or you seem to have posted a reasonable amount of information that causes someone to wish to reach out to….

Never mind, they can’t reach out to you because you are still a phantom. Yes I am sure you answered all the questions you thought were important, but unfortunately you left out a key one—How to get in touch with you.

Even if you are just using these accounts on an employee/employer basis; something as basic as an email address or a business phone number would do wonders for people wanting more of what you appear to be selling—Your opinion.

It can be flattering to have others try to look you up. From a personal branding perspective it is almost a slam-dunk in needed information. And probably more important, giving out the e-mail from any provider does not guarantee that you will be on the receiving end of a boatload of spam, or offers to buy-in to some foreign currency scheme left by a “recently deceased” loved one.

If this is a concern, allow me to introduce you to the solution- Your delete button and your junk folder. If you start receiving alot of unwanted crap—Send it to the cleaners and give it all the respect it deserves. More times than not, you will receive solid invitations from people like yourself, looking to expand on their PROFESSIONAL Networks. It shouldn’t be perceived that giving an address equates to opening the book on your life (thats why you have personal e-mail and professional e-mail); not everyone wants to know all about you—Just what you have to offer or could possibly bring to the table in a business situation.

That is a rather large word—Business; but one that surprisingly is necessary. How do we find our leads or prospective business colleagues? A lot of them could come from everyday life; or they are contacts you have know for years and feel safe dealing with. But where does that leave the new business required to move forward and stay profitable? Do you really want to lose out on future dealings by not completely giving the necessary information at this time? Probably the answer is NO.

Yes, there are lead creating programs that could probably guess the information; but I do not see any reason why we would leave a sure thing to chance. There is even a chance that a close contact has the information you require, but that would allow someone else in on a potential business deal that you would like not to talk about until it is time.

The nice thing about generic e-mail programs is that they are readily available from most search providers. (Hotmail, Yahoo, G-Mail to name a few) if you really don’t wish a business account. However please bear in mind that the more professional your appearance; the more you will be perceived as the guy to reach out to who knows how to get things done.

Anyone who has read previous blogs will know that this is something I am passionate about; not because I am looking to change anyones business model.. but because it only makes good business sense.

PLEASE, PLEASE, if you are going to set up a fantastic profile outlining all of your good qualities and your business acumen; add that additional sentence by posting an E-MAIL Address. You may find an increase in queries and business contacts because of it. From me to you……that is…..

Something to Think About!!

©thedanieljsmith 2011

Views: 89

Comment by Paul Alfred on May 13, 2011 at 2:12pm
Daniel - you make a good point - but it also highlights a point I continually try to make that People use LinkedIn for different reasons and in some cases for the very reason LinkedIn was created ... Is this a problem for folks looking to expand their networks - yes I agree with you totally... Is it a problem for professionals who prefer to expand their networks through a "Trusted connection " perhaps not ..

For folks looking to profile or promote their personal brand " Its Great ... The question is which camp are you in?
Comment by Daniel J Smith on May 14, 2011 at 11:26am

I find it odd for people looking for employment or advice especially. How can I give them advice or point them in a direction when they leave no contact information or even worse, outdated information dating to employment or dead e-mail. Kind of reminds me of the old days when people gave false addresses to abandoned buildings to avoid flyers. Thanks again Paul, for taking the time and making a valid point.


Comment by Valentino Martinez on May 14, 2011 at 4:23pm


I too am a big believer in making oneself accessible at all times.  First, let me flip your premise from a recruiter’s perspective and then flip it back to reinforce your point.  As a novice recruiter way back when--I always noticed employment Ads with mailing addresses but no contact name for the recruiter—just a code and address to mail a resume.  It occurred to me that it was illogical for a recruiter to make themselves invisible in their recruitment postings—unless they were lazy, or didn’t want to deal with the high traffic of respondents.  Why would they make potential candidates simply mail their resumes into a potential “black hole”, which many of them turned out to be, since many employers never acknowledged receipt of such resumes.  Why leave potential and high potential candidates in suspense?  Worse, why antagonize them about a situation like applying for a job—which most take seriously?  Why be invisible?

So very early on and to this day--I always put my contact info in all my Ads and job postings in such places that my corporate peers industry, in the '80s, would never do, e.g.,  the Los Angeles Times; the New York Daily News; the Denver Post; the Wichita Eagle; etc--all cities with large aerospace companies.  The logic being--some of the best candidates are either not looking for a job, or could be but don't want to put their info on front-street for others (like employers/peers) to see for obvious reasons.

Didn't it occur to them that some ideal candidates will never expose themselves by formally applying to job if they wanted to pose some exploratory question(s) first that relate to the job, the company and their potential fit?  BUT if they had a way to contact the recruiter to have a preliminary conversation—problem solved.  I can tell you how many outstanding candidates reach me in this way—plenty!  However, it would never have happened if I was unreachable and thus invisible.

Now as regards outstanding profiles on LinkedIn with no contact info—the same logic applies.  A resourceful recruiter will be able to track you down—but why present a barrier to them?  Okay so you’re not looking for a job, but if an outstanding job suddenly materialized through some other source—wouldn’t it be advantageous to check it out?  All a recruiter is trying to do is to pose a potentially great opportunity..  And how about former colleagues, interested students looking for advice, past advisors—surprise invitations to speak at a conference or contribute to a book?  Because my contact info is on LinkedIn I have been invited to speak at an HR conference, to be quoted in an HR industry communiqué, and to contribute to two books.  Three of those are done with one to go—and who knows how many more invitations I will receive thanks to being VISIBLE on LinkedIN and elsewhere?

Comment by Daniel J Smith on May 14, 2011 at 6:46pm

Thank you for the valued insight. You have brought to light a couple of points I hadn't considered and for that, I thank you. Any day I can stand back and learn something from someone else, it's a good day. It's amazing how much of the trickle-down effect is in play if you just include the right information. Whose to say what direction your career path may lead you to tomorrow.


Comment by Melanie Morris on May 16, 2011 at 1:11pm

Couldn't agree more.


On a similar note, it's like attending a networking function and not wearing a nametag.  I always keep my own handy in case the host runs out.

Comment by Daniel J Smith on May 16, 2011 at 5:07pm
Fantastic thought, Melanie. Sometimes you have a change of plans and are able to make the conference; might just as well let everyone know you are there and looking for ideas. Thanks


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