How to Be the Perfect Leader for Your Recruiting Team

A great leader constantly looks for ways to improve themselves and their team. It’s easy to find guidelines and suggestions to make yourself the ‘perfect leader,’ but is it really possible to create a framework for perfect leadership in every situation? Your high school soccer team's captain and the CEO of an international accounting firm need different skill sets coupled with completely different attitudes.

Just like those positions require different kinds of leadership, recruiters need their own strategy to be the best at what they do. Here are five suggestions to help you perfect your leadership skills in order to improve your workforce’s efficiency, your employee’s adeptness, and your client’s satisfaction.

1. Properly Allocate and Deploy Talent

There are a million and one things to get done when hiring employees. If you really know your staff, you’re able to put the best person on each job. If you know that is great with social media, ask him to manage millennial engagement projects. If you know Kate has great customer service skills, assign her to personally address client questions and concerns. This shows your knowledge of the tasks that need to be completed and understanding of your staff’s talents.

2. Encourage Employees to Voice Their Ideas

If you’ve done your job well, you’ve hired a smart, observant, and well-motivated staff. Now you can confidently turn to them for employer/candidate feedback, new business ideas, and problem solving skills. They can serve as your best tool in determining the direction of your company. Listening to and implementing their ideas shows humility and excellent leadership. Furthermore, embracing a team mentality is a proven avenue for leadership success. Lolly Daskal's wildly popular #LeadFromWithin movement focuses on instilling community-minded unity within organizations, and encourages personal 'heart based leadership.'

3. Listen to Feedback

Feedback, feedback, feedback. Every leader has room to grow and develop. Asking for and implementing feedback is the best way to improve and change. It can come from your co-workers, your boss, your clients, or your friends, and the most successful leaders use it to better themselves. This is particularly important for recruiters. Your work involves constant turnover and new ideas everyday. In this field, change is inevitable, and you can’t afford to stagnate. Feedback doesn’t always have to be directed at you. Another mark of an effective leader is giving it to others. You have insights that can benefit people, and sharing them shows that you are perceptive, supportive, and helpful.

4. Challenge Your Employees to Think

It’s surprising how many people blindly follow what others tell them to do. In the recruiting space, you’re helping people find employees and jobs. You’re looking for people who stand out and think for themselves. Set an example for your clients, and encourage these behaviors in your staff. This will show them that you have experience finding these adaptive and capable workers. It’s necessary to be a resource, but when a staff member comes to you with a question, ask them about their view of the situation. Encouraging your staff to solve problems on their own will create a more efficient workplace and will help them grow.

5. Stay Upbeat

Okay, this isn’t specifically for recruiters, but we had to add it. It’s important to feel excited about your job and make it clear that you love what you do. Forbes insider Glenn Llopis points to positive energy as part of the package to ensure employee achievement. Plus, investing in relationships with your coworkers will improve your outlook and create a more cohesive office environment.

Leading can be a challenging role for anyone to play. What tricks have you used to lead your team to victory? We want to hear about them in the comments below!

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