OK. So you’ve decided you’re underpaid. A few of your team mates are making considerably more than you.
You know you’re as good (if not better) than them, so what gives?

You really do like your job. The company Christmas party is off the hook! The drive is less than 5 minutes and your best buddies work there too…….but you keep seeing jobs all over the internet paying more than what you're making and it's starting to weigh on your mind......


So what can you do about it? Call a recruiter? Well, maybe…..


But you know what happens next, right? If you’re so good- you’ll be going on an interview next week. Then another. Pretty soon you’ve got yourself an offer. More money!!! Woo hoo!!


But wait!  Now you’ve got to resign. And you don’t really want to do that, do you? You’ve got to go through with this, though…….right? The recruiter is calling you night and day making sure you’re “on the same page” and you’ve already reluctantly agreed that he can accept an offer on your behalf. Who knows – maybe he already did…?


This isn’t what you really wanted, is it? To leave all your friends? To bail out on the awesome project you’ve been working on the past 2 years? It’s just about ready to go into production. All your hard work – and you’ll never see how happy your customers are……bummer…


I’ve got a solution for you. All you really want is more money. Heck – we all want that. So let me help you do just that without dragging a few other companies and that nice recruiter through the mud.


Wear your best suit into work tomorrow. Look better than you have since you interviewed there to begin with. Let your boss know you need the afternoon off. She’ll ask you why. Just let her know “It’s personal” and try to seem a bit apprehensive about it.


Next week you’ll need to take a whole day off. Again – let your boss know it’s personal. You might jokingly say “I’m not going on any interviews or anything” and then throw in something about your grandma not doing so well and she lives quite a distance away. Again – keep it somewhat vague.


Hang in there. You’re almost done Just one more step. This is the important one. You now need to tell your boss you need a few minutes. She’s already thinking something is up and this will confirm it. Her suspicion will be that you’re leaving – and she can’t have that happen now. Not at this critical time!


When you’re in her office let her know you just want to get a better idea of where you’ll be in the next few years. Ask about your chance of promotion. Let her know you feel like you need some more responsibility – but NEVER let on that you’ve been “interviewing” – just make it appear as though you’re at a crossroads and “might” be looking elsewhere. She’ll suspect this. She’s been here before. Trust me.


She’ll be on the phone with HR in a matter of minutes. Within a day or two you’ll find yourself in a meeting again. This time she’ll be happy to let you know that she’s been thinking of your career plan there – and while
that all shapes up – there is also a salary increase she’s requested for you. There you have it. You’re in!

Simple. No hassle. No bitter recruiter. No other company involved. Just you, your company and your new, phatter paycheck.


Good luck!





Views: 639

Comment by Linda Ferrante on October 14, 2010 at 2:12pm
Seems a little deceitful to do it this way. What happened to integrity while doing this? Have a meeting with your supervisor and discuss future career plans with the company. Make it clear what your future plans are and what your plans are for reaching them. Ask for the raise. Base this on facts and not emotion. You will be more respected for doing this the right way.
I can appreciate the humor in the post, if that was the intent. I'm a little concerned that some will take your post at face value and will do exactly what you suggested. If it backfires, there is yet another recruiter giving bad advice. I would have loved to see a disclaimer somewhere that this was a humorous approach and not the sound advice you would give someone.
Comment by bill josephson on October 14, 2010 at 2:18pm
Jerry may not have intended it to be, but this is what's actually happening. Integrity? Sure, some still have it. But it's mostly a "what's in my best interests" employment environment with morepeople looking out for themselves not being able to count on their, or any, employer based on the jobs climate.
Comment by Recruiting Animal on October 14, 2010 at 2:18pm
Jerry this is a great posting.

I don't think anyone would have the guts
or skill to do this.

But I don't find it deceitful.

You're not telling anyone that you have another offer.
You are just acting as if. Leading them to wonder
but no more.
Comment by Maureen Sharib on October 14, 2010 at 2:24pm
Jerry, don't disclaim anything. It's a wonderful real-life post. Companies are working people like they never have before - cutting and slashing their payrolls without mercy.
Never give up, never surrender!
Pedal to the metal, baby. Pedal to the metal.
Comment by Wendy Johnson on October 14, 2010 at 2:34pm
I guess it depends on your definition of deceitful. In my opinion, it IS deceitful. I was initially trained 11 years ago to embellish, convince, negotiate, do whatever I had to do to make that placement...and sometimes that meant being deceitful or playing games. Since then, I have gained more confidence to be myself and I quickly learned that having honesty and integrity was the best way to go. I have also developed a more trusting network of candidates and clients, and my billings have more than tripled... People often think they have to play games to get what they want when often times if they were just honest up front they could have gotten better results quicker.
Comment by Adrienne Graham on October 14, 2010 at 2:38pm
I'm all for taking risks and going for what will truly make you happy. But I think the advice is irresponsible (even if meant to be humorous). In this economy when people are laying off and making cuts left and right (even for the most skilled and talented people) you might want to rethink telling people to try the squeeze play without actually having something to back it up. Like my mom used to say "don't be the cause of your sister getting a whooping". Don't be the cause for someone losing their job unnecessarily. I know some companies that will call their bluff and show them the door.

Bottom line if you're unhappy go to your boss and ask what can be negotiated. Otherwise go out and find a real job that will make you happy. I'm not in the business of playing games. Life is too short.
Comment by Maureen Sharib on October 14, 2010 at 2:49pm
Adrienne, respectfully, jobs don't make you happy. Let's not pass out that bad Kool-Aid advice.
Comment by Adrienne Graham on October 14, 2010 at 2:53pm
Maureen, with all due respect I told you a while back I will not get baited into any back and forth with you and I stand by that. You have a wonderful day.
Comment by bill josephson on October 14, 2010 at 3:06pm
My view is we have to deal in reality. I recruit passive/invisible candidates. I realize the risk I take as you can never know their true motivation, and since you called them if they're really going to follow through on commitments. That's the reality. If they want more money, no better time to ask for it when they mention they have a chance to take another job. Hate their travel? No better time to alter that with another job offer. Rather be in development than maintenance role? No better time to ask than when having an offer in hand. Hate your client? No better time than having an offer to go elsewhere to ask for a change.

To deny this reality is self-delusional. We don't need to be this way but our candidates, as New England football coach Bill Belichick often says, "are what they are."

Best to adapt to them.
Comment by Recruiting Animal on October 14, 2010 at 3:14pm
> NEVER say you’ve been interviewing

You haven't been.

> just make it appear as though you’re at a crossroads

You are

What's deceitful about that?

You're acting like someone who is interviewing
but what's deceitful in that. Deceitful doesn't
merely mean saying something that's untrue.

It implies doing something harmful.
In Jerry's scenario you're merely taking
legitimate care of yourself.


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