You’ve successfully passed the interview, received a job offer, and now you are waiting for the first day at a new place. For many people, this is the most nervous and the scariest time, especially, if this is the first job ever. They are not confident in their professional, business writing skills, and communication skills, they do not know how to behave, what questions to ask and what to do if they feel that they cannot cope with their tasks. They start to hesitate too much and come to a new workplace being frustrated, disappointed in themselves, and absolutely unprepared for showing their best.
If you have noticed some of these symptoms, you need to fix them immediately so that you can come to a new job with a smile and confidence that you are the most suitable people for this position.
What makes us feel stressed?
Even the most experienced and valuable specialists sometimes hesitate in their skills. This is a normal process of brain functioning. However, sometimes the problem gets bigger, and the hesitations start to determine the whole life. It leads to the catastrophic results: the self-confidence becomes so low that anyone wants to take this person to any position, and this causes even bigger problems.
Our brain is solely responsible for the level of stress we can handle. And you need to teach your brain to be stronger. There are various ways to do that: regular meditations, physical exercises, and even changes in nutrition. In some cases, a person needs to be treated with the help of professional psychologists. But mostly, a person can solve this problem by himself.
First of all, you need to understand that no one is perfect. Every person who comes to a new job makes stupid mistakes that are not actually mistakes but some small uncomfortable situations. Your employers understand that and can help you handle the stress of the first days if you ask. As a rule, a company has some adaptation period for new employees. It means that during this period you do not take a responsibility for your mistakes, as there is always someone who controls you. Understanding of this idea will help you feel more confident and do not get nervous every time you think that you make a mistake.
Secondly, accept the fact that you can miss some knowledge and skill. At the same time, you need to keep in mind that if you received a job offer, your employer is satisfied with what you can and know. And if there are some specific demands, you just need to understand them with time. If you do not know something, just ask your colleagues to explain this to you.
And the third basic idea is getting rid of a fear that no one is waiting for you. Even though your new colleagues can be quite rude and even do not notice you, it does not mean that they hate you or do not want to communicate with you. Just imagine yourself in their situation: they have dozens of tasks to accomplish, three meetings in 4 hours, and the kid is ill, and someone is crying only because you called him Jack instead of John. And who is this guy? What did I miss? Forgive your new colleagues their rudeness and try to concentrate on your current tasks: get to know about project or product as much as possible, listen to what other people are talking about, and work on acquiring new skills that you need to succeed in a new job position.
Except for the basic ideas helping you deal with the stress on a mental level, there are other effective methods helping you feel stronger.
Get rid of tension
There is a connection between a tension in your body and stress level. When you feel stressed, your muscles automatically get tensed. Use this idea to relax: get rid of muscle tension and it will cause the lowering of stress level.
Eat proper food
If you feel that you are in a permanent state of stress, you need to check your nutrition properly. You already have enough stress in your life connected with a new job, so you need to make sure that you do not eat products that increase the level of cortisol. Additionally, there is food that helps reduce anxiety. Include also protein powder and probiotics into your daily menu and enjoy the benefits!
Find support
Previously, we have mentioned the communication factor. Even if everyone in your department is too busy even to understand that you are a new person, you can always meet someone who has recently been in the same situation. If there are no such people in your new job, you can ask your friend for support and help.
Mind your sleep
If you get nervous so much that you can’t even sleep, you need to find the solution to this problem. Again, these two things are interconnected. The high level of stress causes the problems with sleep, and bad sleep increases the level of stress. Of course, you should remember about the sport. For example, crossfit after work can help you to deal with tension. Best exercise to start is the exercise with the jump rope. You should choose only the best jump rope for crossfit .
Do some crafts
To get rid of stress, find a relaxing hobby. For now, it is better to avoid hobbies that provoke adrenaline selection, as you do not need to increase the level of anxiety. The best way is to do some crafts. Knitting or woodcarving has a perfect calming down effect.
Preparation for the first day in a new job should start at the moment you apply for this position. You need to clarify that now your new career stage begins. It means that you need to use the experience of the previous stages and find out something new that can be useful here. You need to be ready to work hard developing new skills and building relations with your colleagues.
Choose the strategy for the first month or two in a new place. Show your professional qualities and perceive the experience of your new colleagues. Instead of thinking of what you might do wrong, improve your skills and read useful materials to increase your confidence in your decisions and actions. A new job gives you a unique chance for personal and professional development, and you should not lose it.
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