How To Run A Recruitment Company The 3 Step Plan To Develop Big Billers

Running a recruitment company is not what you really want? I suspect you want a well-oiled machine that has high revenues month on month. The key to this is simple. Place more candidates with more clients. Apologies for stating the obvious. There is a step before that and it is how do you create a team of big billers than perform consistently and are actually pleasant to be around? Here are three important steps that you must follow. The majority of successful recruitment companies have this process in place. These are the first steps you need to consider when reviewing how to run a recruitment company.

1. Select that right recruiter

It still astounds me that recruitment business owners are meticulous when it comes to placing candidates, and yet somehow don’t apply the same focus and thought to bringing on board the best recruitment consultants for their own team ?

First step is are they a fit and a match with your company brand and values. This might not come to you as the first criteria and yet longer term it could come back to haunt you. The problems some recruitment business owners have with star (aka prima donna) recruiters normally starts here. You can teach people great prospecting skills and how to sell and convert. Their core values have been with them a long time. Imagine if one of your companies’ values is going the extra mile for clients and your new recruiter likes to place the candidate and then onto the next position. This would not be a fit and a match. If this scenario were real you would have issues from the get go. Ask them at interview what is important to them. This answer is revealing and will help you get a real sense of what they are about. You can then make a factual recruitment decision.

2. Systematic Induction

Systems work in business and are one of the key areas for any business who wants to leverage their profits. It is the same with people. Get them into the system. Let them know what is expected and what is OK and not OK. Problems with recruiters normally start here. Usually because it has not happened. The best start is at the start. From day one introduce them to a structured process. Time taken to create a process could save you thousands over time. The beauty of this is that the systematic induction can be used as a yard stick. You will be amazed at how well your new recruiter will fit in if this technique is used. As humans we like structure and routine. We need to know our boundaries. It helps us perform.

3. Spend time with them

Did you know that over 68% of people leave their current position because of their relationship with their line manager. Just to clarify their lack of relationship. The great thing is it does not take that much effort to have a good relationship with your recruitment consultants. A classic question to ask is; “how is it going Jane?” Corny I know and yet it works. Why? Because you are tapping into a fundamental need. Your recruitment consultants want to feel like they matter. Checking in with your team every day is vital. Not by email or text either. Walk over to their desk and start a conversation. The more you do it the more they open up and the more you can help them.

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