Sourcing on Lesser Known Sites: Kinzaa

Kinzaa lets you build visually stunning infographic resumes. An infographic resume is a way of describing your resume information in a visual or graphical form.  Infographics provides the format that sets you apart from the crowd. Employers get the specific information they crave in a single glance and they can quickly form an accurate picture of you in their mind. Infographics help job-seekers such as you standout. Your skills are clearly described and employers see you in the brightest possible perspective.  Now how do you search without having to join? To do this without worry you need go no further than into your bag of tricks and pull out an old try and true tool, called x-raying.


So to source within Kinzaa you simply need to create an x-ray string, like the one below. developer 

If you run the above in google you will get the results below

Of course you can be more specific and add in more, but you get the idea. If you need more info on X-raying see my blog post


Next week we will talk about Odesk

Views: 392

Comment by Mike Chuidian on August 11, 2014 at 4:10pm

Good stuff as usual, Dean!


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