I could/should/would take today off - but I cant....

Only a handful of my friends work for themselves.  The rest are employed.

Some of the employed folks are taking today off - getting a jump on the weekend.  At times I envy that.  Being able to remove yourself from the job for the day or week.  It sure would be nice I guess.

I could take today off though....if I wanted to....if only to prove "I can do whatever I want cuz I'm my own boss!"

But I can't.  Thank the good Lord I can't. 

Clients in 3 different states are either interviewing our candidates today, calling us back with feedback on yesterday's interviews or, at a minimum, hoping to hear from us introducing a candidate that can do the job.

So let's hear it from those of us who damn well could take today off!!!!! ---- but better not!

Enjoy the weekend folks.

Views: 838

Comment by Amber on May 25, 2012 at 11:07am

Hi, Jerry - we're here, of course! Have to see how 1 phone interview goes in a little bit and feedback ( they want deets to get offer prepared!) on another call from yesterday. Plus lots of candidates scheduled calls with us since they have the day off. 100% with you on this post - and also remember that I was able to go to Maui, Ormond Beach, Oregon, and Savannah several times this past year whenever we wanted. Of course, being able to connect from almost anywhere makes that much easier!

Oh, and I'll be working just a bit Monday as well. But it will be via wifi out by the pool.

Good luck with the interviews!

Comment by Sandra McCartt on May 25, 2012 at 12:01pm
I have spent the last two months working 24/7 with a client startup of a New division. Go live is June 18. Had a turndown on a key position yesterday so best laid plans to take a Break this weekend died. Holidays are always a great time to catch people at home, holidays are always a great time to catch people at home, holidays are the very best time to catch people at home. Just keep telling yourself, McCartt. That would be what I call self motivation. Got to have two good candidates by Tuesday, holidays are such a totally great time to catch people at home. Damn.
Comment by Noel Cocca on May 25, 2012 at 12:03pm

Me either Jerry...working til 1pm, then off to a concert ... I always remind myself that I wanted to be very busy by wanting to run my own businesses...sometimes you have to watch what you wish for, and also be thankful when it comes true.  

Have a great weekend everyone....

Comment by Amber on May 25, 2012 at 12:28pm

@Sandra - I will drink to your success finding them, lol!

Comment by Amy Ala Miller on May 25, 2012 at 12:38pm

Is there every really a day off in recruiting? :) I'm desperately trying to close a SW Development Manager before our CIO goes on vacation. I won't be in the office Monday (because the doors will be locked) but that won't stop me from sending follow up emails and trying to clean up the mess that is Taleo. God help me if this guy turns us down... I'll be spending the weekend looking for a backfill and did I mention tomorrow is my wedding anniversary? I had to promise my husband I'd turn my phone off during dinner. Hoping to go to a place that doesn't serve kids' meals.

Comment by Sandra McCartt on May 25, 2012 at 12:47pm
I did this once around the Christmas holidays. As the day grew late I had a couple of glasses of wine, hey it was Christmas,. As I was clearing my desk the phone rang one more time, I gabbed it and in my most professional voice said, "greasons seatings, professional search, aw crap". Fortunately my candidate laughed.
Comment by Raphael Fang on May 25, 2012 at 1:57pm

Since when we can take vacation?? I haven't had a real vacation in years...  

Last weekend was our long weekend in Canada, and I went for a short with my wife.  It was a good weekend and I was able to forget about work for a while.  As I was driving home on Monday, my cell phone.  There was issue at a client's site.  After I hung up with the wife, my wife asked if I was going to pull over.  Instead of pulling over on the highway, I found a coffee shop and I finished another round of calls there.

Comment by Jody Dugan on May 26, 2012 at 5:17pm

Ahh...music to my ears, Jerry!  There is a strange peace and joy hidden in the stressful pressure accompanying self-employment.  Enjoy your weekend and your success!

Comment by Bill Schultz on May 29, 2012 at 3:14pm

Go wherever you like.  With an iPad and a phone, you're golden.  

I saved  a deal last Friday while slurping a blue something poolside in Palm Springs.  

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Comment by Russ Recruits on May 31, 2012 at 12:09pm

I think the only people over here working this week are recruiters trying to get hold of desision makers, who in turn are all skiving early to make use of the weather and Jubilee weekend!




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