Dear Recruiters
A couple of weeks ago I asked a career coach to be the guest on my show on May 16, 2012 at Noon Eastern.
She agreed to come on but then sent me an ultimatum. "I want this info or I'm not coming on." I didn't like that. I actually granted her request but I got snippy. I admit it. But just a little.
She, however, went overboard and cancelled the whole thing.
When I asked why she gave me a psychological analysis of myself which some might say tells us a lot more about her than me.
So, now I need one of U - to stand up and be counted.
Be my guest tomorrow at Noon Eastern Time - May 16, 2012.
Here is all the info you need - even though my guest thought she needed more - you don't. -
Here's my email address -
I'm on Twitter too -@animal
PS: If someone who has been on b4 just wants to come on for a few minutes and share some breath-taking info that's good too.
PPS: Our show is like therapy. We give you the opportunity to articulate and analyze your ideas in front of a group of well-informed peers. My former guest would surely have come out a stronger and better woman. She blew her chance but you still can.
cannot help tomoz - but if you find yourself in a pickle, want the views of a Brit, how Greece is scaring the shizer out of us, shout.
Thanks Russ but its a show about recruiting and to some extent careers, not politics. Anytime you want to be a guest talking about the two main topics just let me know. Thanks again.
I think that just flew over your head methinks - I meant my views on recruitment, Careers & the huge effect the current situation will have on european recruitment within the economics of the euro.
IE - if your shafted, desperate and could do with a plum limey with Radio presentation training to help then you know where I am.
Politics, not sure how you came to that one.
Im happy to have you on any Wed Russ but if you cant see what you wrote in your 1st posting we're going to have a lot of fun with your answers to my questions.
You'll say something irrelevant and then when pressed give the real answer and complain that we're idiots for not getting it the first time around
who's running the aftershow? Especially if you get Russ on :) this could get interesting.
Russ is not coming on tomorrow. He's not available and someone volunteered b4 him. One of the regulars is handling the aftershow.
Well, who is on tomorrow then?
I think Russ might be a good future guest - are you scheduling him? (Plus, some of us like the accents, I think he may have one)
Amber's right about the accents. :)
Can't do it, sorry.
Bill, you're kidding, surely. I've already written the show around you.
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