Improving Diversity in Technology with 5 Clear Actions

Workplace diversification is the financial boost tech companies overlook. McKinsey & Co. identified that companies with a higher representation of women or ethnic minorities in their workforce financially outperform less diverse competitors by 15% and 35% resp.... A few years back, numerous industry players recognized this opportunity and pledged that improving diversity in technology positions was among their highest priorities.

Over the last few years, some companies have made traction. However, as of now, no single company surpasses the rest in all measures. But consolidate the top performers’ strategies and improving diversity in technology positions becomes a manageable feat.

Who Is Improving Diversity in Technology Fastest?

Which companies are effecting the most change in their workforce? It depends on the diversity measures. Companies like Pandora, Medtronic, Pinterest, and Dell are all pursuing diversity initiatives that are expanding their workplace diversity in different ways. Some are already leading the pack while others are making substantial progress to rectify past shortcomings.

The common thread across all of these companies is that they are leveraging their successes and lessons in ways that attract, retain, and promote exceptional talent with diverse backgrounds. Companies implementing similar strategies in their organization could achieve the financial advantages diverse companies enjoy too.

That’s why we put together our eBook “The Solution-Driven Way Companies Are Improving Diversity in Technology.” Inside, you’ll find diversity metrics, cutting-edge strategies, and first-hand insight on the strategies that are transforming the gender and ethnic demographics of top tech companies.

Download our eBook and learn how to build and sustain a diverse workforce that competes at the highest level of technical performance.

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