Hello Hello, I am looking for an Industrial Recruiter that works in the Raleigh, NC area to help me with my husbands job search. He has amazing experience and due to the recent housing slump his hours, bonuses, perks, duties, ect have been slowly dwindling. He has very solid work experience.

Some of his experience includes:

• Proven Track record in all Operation Department capacities: Shipping Management, Dispatch Management, and Receiving Management.

• Well versed with implementations of best practices for inventory decisions, including quantity, location, and quality of inventory

• Effectively manage the efforts and activities of people, capital, and equipment resources (minute by minute) to ensure products get to the customers quickly

• Strong organizational skills to aid in systematic transportation strategies, including frequency, routes, fulfillment activities and dispatches to customers

• Skillfully develop strategic partnerships with suppliers, distributors, and customers; while reducing handling costs, operating costs, and the storage of inventory

Email me if you know of anyonw... heather@heatherleigh.mp


Views: 58

Comment by Susan Hand on March 6, 2009 at 11:16am
Don't limit it to recruiters that work in Raleigh, NC...I hired for that area and never worked there. I'm not sure if I can help, but send me your husbands profile/bio, and I'll spread the word in hopes to find you someone that can help.
Comment by Heather Leigh on March 6, 2009 at 11:49am
I guess I should have clarified. Work in as in fill orders in, does not matter where they do their work from...

Thanks Susan, I will get that to you in a bit!


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