Powerful movements draw people. They excite and invigorate those who believe in the cause, who value passion over profits. A certain energy supercharges the air around individuals who are relentlessly pursuing their passions, an aura that says come hell or high water they will succeed. Get enough of these people together, and they can sweep up virtually anyone into the excitement of a higher purpose. Like Airbnb and Facebook, if you create a movement around your company, high-profile talent can’t help but be impressed by your lofty goals, disruptive mindset and unrelenting pursuit.
So what is a movement?
The word “movement” has many definitions depending on what website you select after a quick Google search. The way Ash Kumra and John Reed of YOUNGRY think about it, a movement is a common theme which with people surround themselves. In companies, instead of a top-down corporate model dictating what must be and what people must do, a movement is where everyone is providing help and support and working toward a shared goal. A shared consciousness empowering and inspired by each other.
For example, there are thousands of universities in North America. Besides the centuries-old Ivy League institutions, how do colleges set themselves apart from the crowd? They create a brand, a movement, around their higher purpose: spreading education and bettering future generations. The schools that build a movement, an excitement about their purpose, are the ones that attract student applications and entice the best professors. These colleges inspire their communities to relentlessly pursue their passions, which exponentially inspires a glowing, unified bubble of learning.
A company’s leadership plays a critical role in establishing a driving shared mission -- a movement. In fact, a leader’s sole job should be to create vision and effectively communicate it to those around him or her. What higher purpose are you trying to fulfill, and what’s exciting about fulfilling that purpose? Once identified, you can efficiently strategize ways of getting people jazzed and invested. For example, if you work at a company that tutors K-12 students through an interactive, focus on the fact that you and your team are paving the way for humanity’s future. You play a pivotal role in the lives of these kids and are responsible for shaping a better, more capable tomorrow. What’s not exciting about that?
How to draw talented people to your movement
When you’re looking for people to join your movement, keep your eyes open for three distinct characteristics: intellectual curiosity, passion, and purpose. These traits are often found in top performers and stem from when they were young and hungry to make a change in the world. Every person who wants to change the world will follow his or her passion, and gladly aligns their mission with companies who share their ideals. The magnetism that attracts these powerhouses starts with your own fire.
What about different kinds of companies? How do you make people passionate about a product, like Starbucks? Well, when it comes to movements it’s not only about putting out a message. It’s about getting people so involved that they do their part to hook people on your mission. You know a movement is sweeping when your audience base is as good a salesperson as your hired people. Both your fans and your employees attract newcomers to your company -- and these newcomers typically share your established passion for success, making them valuable additions to your team.
There is no one set way of attracting people with your mission, and that’s okay. You don’t want anyone and everyone throwing themselves at your recruiters’ feet because not every applicant is going to be a good fit for your company. However, a solid mission and movement of passion will attract like-minded individuals who want to go above and beyond towards success. This is how YOUNGRY attracted its rock-start COO, Jon Reed, to its cause. When someone comes along whose values align with yours, that person will stick around. Why? Because your overarching mission satisfies that person’s desire to do more than sit around and earn a paycheck: they’re making a difference.
Your movement will attract the best people for your team, and if you create more than a job for them, they’ll gladly join you on your crusade. Just like YOUNGRY’s achievement, you too can find people who will champion your cause.
YOUNGRY™ - an united community of entrepreneurs that hustle, profit, expand, and inspire with original content, events, and e-commerce.
Ash Kumra, CEO and Co-Founder is an award winning entrepreneur, author, speaker and syndicated radio show host. He has been recognized by the White House and President Obama as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs in the country under 30.
He is the author of book series "Confessions from an Entrepreneur", spoken to over 10,000 people on entrepreneurship, over 100 articles and conducted over 1000 interviews with business mavens, entrepreneurs and celebrities.
John Reed is the COO of Youngry.
Rick Girard is the Managing Director and Founder of Stride Search, an engaged talent search firm that specializes in building high impact teams. While not running a School for Gifted Mutants, he hosts Hire Power and creates valuable and tactical content for entrepreneurs to utilize to successfully build a winning company.
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