Is it time for Job-seekers to get more creative

With Platforms like LinkedIn and You tube are the days of the traditional CV numbered?

I for one love seeing candidates getting creative when seeking a role. I don’t think this will completely replace the traditional CV but now that many adverts have the apply with LinkedIn button, is it about time the CV evolved into 2012?
With unemployment still at a high in many sectors how can candidates get themselves noticed? Here are a few examples that have caught my eye of creative job-seekers.

  • HireSander Earlier this year Graduate Sander Saar made a Kickstarter inspired website and an interactive video to get noticed and noticed he did ,on first day he had received more than 15 job or meeting requests, over 3,000 visitors, had reached more than 27,000 Twitter accounts and was also in the top 6 on Hacker News. He went on to secure a role with Go viral who are part of AOL
  • Googlepleasehirem.e Matthew Epstein a Product Marketer went to great lengths to get Google to notice him by building a website and making a video which currently has over a million views on You Tube. The result although Google didn’t hire him, after his campaign went viral he got 80 interview requests and later joined start up SigFig.

Although these may be extreme examples, what both Matthew and Sander did was get noticed and achieved the desired result with positions. If you are looking for your next role think about how you can demonstrate what makes you different and why a company should choose you employ you.


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