So, here’s a thought provoking question: Is Recruiting Bad For Your Health? Have you ever wondered if your job as a recruiter might be slowly sucking the life out of you and progressively diminishing your overall health and well-being? Has your “daily grind” become more like a large rasp cycling back and forth over your forehead, versus your first thing every morning cup of “Double Venti Half-Soy Nonfat Half-Caf Vanilla Double-Shot Frappuccino?” Think about it.  Over-committed schedules, unrealistic candidates (or hiring managers), tons of requirements.  Stress, stress, and more stress.  I was compelled to explore this topic after contemplating the status of my own health. Either way, at a minimum, I think you will find the topic to be thought provoking; it may even prompt a bit of introspection.

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