Is the Stink What You Think? — Scott’s Sales Yoga Thought for the Day

I've heard it said you are what you eat, which, if true, makes me a vegetable since I eat so many! While I get the concept of our bodies being impacted by what we put in them, what deserves just as much attention is something equally important — what we put in our heads.

Persistent thoughts become pervasive beliefs and some of these reek of inaccurate assumptions and dangerous misinformation. For example, recruiters often think there is a waiting period before you can ask a new candidate for referrals, and salespeople frequently tell themselves that prospects aren't willing to engage in detailed conversations. When did it become our job to set boundaries for other people?

Scientists have proven that humans are programmed to help one another, so, soliciting referrals from everyone, including new candidates, in the very first conversation allows them to be who they were built to be. People love to hear the sound of their own voice, thus, lengthy and thorough conversations that allow prospective buyers to be thoroughly heard is the norm, not the exception.

An unrelenting belief that people will freely provide you with the time and information you need to be masterful in your job makes much more sense than self-defeating beliefs that are cancerous lesions to your psyche. Sales Yogi’s, people who practice a more collaborative style of selling, know that whatever you believe is exactly what you shall receive.

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