Just What Are YOU Doing to Prepare for 2011?

It’s already December 7. The new year will be here before we know it. In addition to trying to close as many deals as they can before the end of the 2010, recruiters are also trying to prepare for 2011.

So the question becomes this one: what should recruiters be doing right now to prepare for the new year?

In talking with recruiters, I’ve found that the answer to that question depends on a number of different factors. Some of those factors include the recruiter’s business model, their specialty, their preferences, and their personality.

Some recruiters are more lax and fly by the seat of their pants. Some are more anal-retentive, so to speak, and plan everything to the nth degree—or at least, they try to. Some recruiters have been in the business so long, they don’t do any planning, per se. They just make mental adjustments and implement those adjustments at the appropriate time. (That’s when you know you’ve had success in this business.)

We recently published a pair of blog posts in our Recruiter Training Blog regarding what recruiters should be doing to prepare for 2011. The links to those two blog posts are listed below.

What Recruiters Should be Doing to Prepare for 2011, Part 1

What Recruiters Should be Doing to Prepare for 2011, Part 2

In addition, we devoted an episode of “Top Echelon TV” to the subject of what recruiters should be doing to prepare for the new year.

“Top Echelon TV”: What Recruiters Should be Doing to Prepare for 2011

So what are you doing right now to prepare for next year . . . or have you already finished getting ready for 2011? Have you analyzed your production in 2010 and set new goals for the new year? What did that entail? Which approach works best for you?

On the heels of that, how much of the month of December do you work? Do you typically pack things in after Thanksgiving, or are you still slaving away through the end of the year? Have you changed your routine this year because of current economic conditions, or have those conditions not altered your routine?

How do you prepare?

Read the Top Echelon Recruiter Training Blog.
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