LinkedIn has documented the operators firstname:, lastname:, title:, company:, and school:. They are redundant because we can search using the relevant textboxes. But it turns out there are many more search operators that work on LinkedIn.

Below is a list of LinkedIn search operators that work with any basic or premium account, in the main search box. Many of the search facets I have discovered have only been available in LinkedIn Recruiter, and the operator headline:, uniquely, works only in a basic/premium account!

For each operator, you can use it with several values in the quotation marks, which means an AND of terms. For example, headline:"engineer senior" searches for both words senior and engineer to appear in the headlines (but not for a phrase).

You can certainly combine the operators and use the Boolean logic.

Note that the values calculated by LinkedIn are less reliable than those entered by members, no matter which account you use to search (I have marked those in the last column).

Tip Sheet - LinkedIn Search Operators

Operator Meaning Values Calculated by LinkedIn
headline: search for keywords in Headline   no
skills: search for keywords in Skills   no
spokenlanguage: search for language proficiency by a language name   no
startyear: search for the start year in college   no
endyear: search for the end year in college   no
geo: search for a Geoname Geonames no
title: search for current job title   no
company: search for current company name   no
school:  search for school name   no
firstname: search for first name   no
lastname: search for last name   no
industry: search for the industry by Industry code Industry Codes no
seniority: search for seniority Seniority Codes yes
profilelanguage: search for profiles in other languages by a two-letter language abbreviation Language Codes no
functions: search for functions Job Functions yes
yoe: search for “years of experience”

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