

What is lisology? Lisology is the art of not just hearing what is said but listening to what it said, how it is said, the words used, the way they are put together to form answers or phrases, the inflection in peoples voices, the stutters, the silence, the emotion or lack thereof behind what is said, and more. Think of it as "Active Listening" on steroids.

Active listening is defined as "intentionally focusing on who you are listening to, whether in a group or one-on-one, in order to understand what he or she is saying. As the listener, you should then be able to repeat back in your own words what they have said to their satisfaction. This does not mean you agree with, but rather understand, what they are saying." Now Lisology takes it to a whole new level and incorporates, not just hearing what is said but hearing what is not said.

With lisology you can determine so many different things. You can determine strength of conviction by not just what is said, but he way it is said, the words used to say it. If someone says something in a strong tone, that oozes confidence they probably have strong conviction about the subject. If they choose their words quickly but correctly they also show strong conviction and understanding of the issue or question asked. If they choose their words quickly but incorrectly they are probably trying to fool you and you need to probe further.

These are just examples of how lisology can be a great tool for not just recruiters but anyone doing interviews or business development. If used right you can plan your whole interview around the information you gather from lisology. Every answer can lead down a new course of questions to determine information needed to determine whether or not this person is the right candidate. Lisology works best in determining soft skills, business kills, and general fit for an positions and organization. However it can be used with any type of interview.

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