Whether you are looking for a job, a promotion, revitalizing your business or even meandering through life’s daily minutiae; sometimes it’s good to take a look back in order to move forward.

 Let’s take searching for a job as an example. It is a daunting task in any economy because the search is seriously based on emotion. This is where the help of a consultant, a recruiter or anyone familiar with career counseling can make a big difference. As humans, most of us have a myriad of emotions when searching for jobs and most of them have no bearing on the task at hand. In addition to having their vast resources, a recruiter can see your strengths clearly and are able to focus on your skills and experience and present your talent in a positive and focused approach to perspective employers.  

 While letting a recruiter do the leg work, take a look back at where you have been and what you have accomplished. Consider what was written in your most constructive performance reviews, think about what courses in school challenged you and made you feel you feel alive, and contemplate things that have been said to you over the years that made a difference in your life. Remember things that mattered most, made you feel good and moved you to greater things. The recruiter will call; you will get the interview and then impress them with your motivation and confident attitude.  

 A look back can be the driving force to catapult you ahead. Don’t hesitate to see where you’ve been in order to know where you can go.

 This information is brought to you courtesy of MY HR, your talent provider. www.myhrsupplier.com, 888-606-MYHR


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