‘Managing Forward’ Series Part II: Advice on Managing Young Professionals

The second part of our ‘Managing Forward’ Series includes Chip’s energetic thoughts of how an organization can flourish by offering internship programs that can focus on adding value for everyone. His advice in our interview will give managers perspective on how a company can increase their benefits through “people development,” and how this helps build a phenomenal reputation.


Our interview with Chip is content heavy, hitting many pointers any manager should practice with their internship programs. These main pointers are:


1.      Strategies on how to move a company forward with interns

2.      Management techniques to increase the intern’s and the company’s value

3.      How to get the most out of your company mission statement


Click here to see Chip's advice:



What other techniques have you tried to get the most out of an internship program?  We would love to hear from you!

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