This week, I'll be speaking on market diversification best practices at the TechServe Alliance Annual Conference in Orlando. For those that cannot attend, this will provide you an IT market demand update.

Trending Up
Demand for IT talent continues to climb, with the need for the top three job types edging towards the peak hiring levels of two to three years ago.

Healthy Demand
Demand in the past 60 days in most areas of IT remains strong, which will result in a depleted supply of talent. As a result, the need for the services of IT staffing, consulting, and recruiting firms will continue to rise.

Source: WANTED Analytics and StaffingU Research

Views: 95

Comment by Daniel Sullivan on October 6, 2010 at 9:54am
I am going to forward this article to all my clients who are dawdling with resumes, still phone screen everyone, then scheduling interviews a week out, and then are shocked! shocked! when the candidates they failed to move on accept offers from the competitors.
Shop til you drop, "there's always a prettier girl" recruiting time is over, people.
Comment by Scott Wintrip on October 6, 2010 at 10:00am
Daniel, great use of this. I hope others reading this will also do this best practice.


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