–verb (used with object)
to engage in finding and attracting employees, new members, etc through the medium of Mobile devices connected to the Internet.

A dictionary style definition of the phrase Mobile Recruiting is not very enlightening. To first understand the phrase lets focus on the word Mobile. What does Mobile refer to in this context?
It is a shortening for Mobile Internet.
Great, so whats Mobile Internet? Does that mean 3G, or does it mean mobile phones and net books with a 3G card?
For me it means a Mobile device capable of Internet connectivity, such as a smart phone or one of the latest small mobile tablets such as an iPad. Why does the phrase not include net books or laptops? In some contexts Mobile Internet would include a laptop, but for Mobile Recruiting it should not. The only Mobile Devices included in Mobile Recruiting should be those where the user experience and possibly behavior is different to "traditional Internet".
Does this mean the Mobile Recruiting is only about slow Internet conntectivity over 3G or slower? No, Mobile Recruiting is not just talking about 3G, it includes candidates using WiFi either at home, in coffee shops, etc.
The volume of Internet based services consumed from a Mobile device is already huge, but in 4 years time it will be bigger than desktop / laptop Internet consumption! Already the mobile is taking over use of the desktop in the home. Why?
The key factors to Mobile Internet growth include:
+ Convinence - very fast to switch on, no need to get up, easy to use with one eye on the TV.
+ Beyond the browser - the dedicated and connected application is now mainstream, both Twitter and Facebook have adopted mobile strategy delivering high results. The user experience of a device targeted application is far better user experience than a website on the phone.
+ Easy - the app on a phone makes consuming the Internet service very easy and often with different features than the desktop website.
Now, the exciting creative part - Recruiting!
Well this is where it gets fun, it is new, almost a green field. If we can carefully avoid mistakes made in the desktop Internet, we can deliver a candidate enriching service and deliver high quality services for the employer / recruiter. This is the next stage in the evolution of job boards and career sites. Coupled with the Social Networking boom, Mobile Recruiting is online recruiting of the future.
So what services do you feel should be available to the candidate on the mobile in the next 6 - 12 months? My company and I have plenty of ideas but we really want to hear your thoughts!
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