So I survived my first #TruLondon and can’t wait for the next one, having spent 2 days with an amazing mix of people. They were all full of knowledge along with new ideas and aren't afraid to push boundaries.
The legend that is Bill Boorman and the world's creme de la creme of sourcers
Having been invited to lead 2 tracks by @billboorman on Communities and how temporary and permanent workers should be managed, I was truly excited when I saw some of the other track leaders names who were also going to be there. As a social recruiter who is obsessed with technology and social media I thought I was going to expand my knowledge slightly and put some faces to names. I really couldn't have been more wrong as instead because of how collaborative it was it brought out my inner geek.

The discussions I most enjoyed had nothing to do with social recruiting or social media. One highlight was chatting with Glen Cathey in the bar afterwards who blog I regularly read, about Data and it is amazing when you think with an open mind what the possibilities are. Having spent time in the sourcing lab it was hard to think of sourcing question/problem that they didn't know the answer to and amazing how many free tools there to help you find the impossible.
The main surprise for me and the thing I keep hearing was about the candidate experience which was refreshing.
It was great to hear agency recruiters, in house recruiters 
and suppliers all in agreement that the candidate experience really is key and technology can never replace the importance on human contact.
But what disappointed me was that in a place with so much innovation when discussing both social media and talent management what kept arising is how little some companies trust their employees firstly to act like adults but also to make mistakes by trying new things.
I left Tru very inspired but also hoping that some of the exciting start ups that are rapidly growing in London will follow after Google and Apple letting their employees develop without trying to control their every move because of being afraid of the unknown.
I'm a believer in embrace changes and greatness will follow!

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