Since I wrote the first Guidelines For HireFriday in May of this year, our community has grown exponentially. As an omnipresent social media community, or more accurately, cluster of online communities; we have learned new lessons about how to grow, and incorporate best practices that will benefit: the job seeker, the recruiting community, the job board community, the executive coaching community, the resume writer community, the human resources community, and the business community at large.
HireFriday is going viral, and as we grow, we want to maintain the interactive, interpersonal communication that makes it the most unique new media communities in the digital space. I make it a point to interact with every single person in our community. It is the 1:1 that makes this so rewarding for me.
Social Media doesn't describe what HireFriday is, or what it has become. We are a social media community, we also have a cluster of new media communities popping up on blogs around the world. HireFriday launched in France last Friday. Each Country that replicates our model is adding its own international twist.
We have a facebook page, and a new facebook group which I am limiting in size in order to provide one to one attention with each of its participants. My professional goal for HireFriday is NOT to grow large, but to grow smart, slow, and steady. Because this is my passionate quest, I do not want to lose the personal touch I give each person in our community.
In order to avoid brand confusion, and chaos I have chosen keep the spot light where it belongs: on the job hunter, the job search evangelist, the unemployed person, the passive candidate who wants to go public, but not quite ready. Bottom line, what makes HireFriday important is its focus solely on the job seeker.
Unemployment is hard. HireFriday can help. What we as a community do is lend a hand, and encourage a heart. Lou Bonica put it well when he said, "HireFriday reminds the job seeker that they are not alone, or forgotten."
Twitter does not need another job board which is why, for the time being, we will not adopt HireFridayJobs, as suggested on a blogtalkradio show I appeared on this week. That would adversely affect my business model, and my business partners who make their living as twitter job search engines. was the first adopter of HireFriday. The next HireFriday Fan was Tweet My Jobs and Tweet A Job. Tweet A Job also facilitates Tweet My Resumes. As I consider the gigantic job boards, and the small Mom & Pop job boards, I realized in short order, I don't want to compete or play in that space because I am a CANDIDATE ADVOCATE.
HireFriday is growing in leaps and bounds. It needs a full-time community manager, and I have promoted myself into the job.
HireFriday is growing, and I'm growing with it. It's time to explore what the buddhists call "right livelihood." It blends my vision for Compassionate HR with HireFriday Community Management. It's time to monetize this venture in a way that maintains the ethics, integrity, dignity, and respect of each person in the stream. I want your input about how I can do this in a way that provides value to you.
In addition, I am a dot connector. I connect the dots, make matches, and connections with people across, throughout and around networks. For years I've been saying, " you are either networking or not-working." In essence, we are all on different trajectories in our careers.
This further explains my intense passion for shining light on job seekers, and keeping the HireFriday stream on twitter exclusively for JOB SEEKERS, and UNEMPLOYED people. Yes, I'm capitalizing those words, because I want to emphasize how profoundly important job seekers are to me, my heart, my mission and my vision for what HireFriday was intended to do from its inception.
Guess what, I'm not selling out to outside interests. I carefully pick and choose ethical, dignified, authentic, and respectful partners in the recruiting community. The ethical, compassionate recruiters have profound reach and resonance, and can be uniquely helpful to our community. I want to make an honest living, and work only with people who are doing the same.
This week I announced a new partnership with Paul Paris (also known as @Paris22) he's affectionately referred to as The Ex Recruiter. I am encouraging my community to be as omnipresent as I am. Participate in Paul's Employment Cafe. Participate in #WorkWednesday. Be present in #JobAngels. Watch the #Jobs & #Career Stream, and as I frequently say, "Job Seekers: Think Like A Recruiter." Before I share too much, let me just say that some very exciting services are about to be offered with the two of us coming together. Now, what you've been waiting for my top 5 tips for getting the most out of HireFriday this week. (Bear in mind recruiters I wrote this from the job seekers perspective). Chris Havrilla wrote a great post on my blog for how recruiters can use global filters to get the most out of HireFriday. And, let's face it, when it comes to technology and recruiting, Chris Havrilla is a class act, and spot on in her insights.
Here are my top 5 tips for getting the most out of this week's HireFriday on Twitter:
Use your real name in your tweet. It will make it easier for recruiters, hiring managers, human resource directors to find you. HireFriday is a brilliant inbound marketing experience. Use it, and make it work.
If you choose to tweet through tweetmyresumes, do you buzz, or another service, put your name first, followed by an industry recognized job title that will tickle the search engines, and candidate sourcers radar. They are watching you. The world is watching this human community experience. This is your chance to shine. Do the research. Go to google and find out what those job titles actually are, how they are indexed, and how they are written in the applicant tracking systems. Research the job boards. What do they call your job title? Is it what you think it is, or is it called something else? Is your job industry specific? Or do you care about which industry you are in now? Figure it out before Friday. Do not think outside the box. Rather, get inside it. Squeeze in tight and niche yourself. Even if you are a generalist, you best make sure you are stripping out key words so people will find you.
Location, location, location. Is it important? If it is, say so, if it is not, say so-clearly, so that people can identify whether you are a realistic candidate for the position.
Industry: if you are a java developer (consider yourself the unicorn) everyone the world is looking for you. I'm not entirely kidding. If you are in Information Technology hash tag #IT #Java #C++. If you are in #HR hashtag #HR #EmployeeRelations #Benefits #Compensation #SPHR #PHR #Training #LeadershipDevelopment #StrategicPlanning you get my drift. If you are an #OrganizationDevelopment Specialist hash tag #OD #Organization #Assessments #Diagnostics #MBTI #DiSC #OrGCulture or whatever aspect of OD you excel. In future workshops, I will teach you how to research and break down the components of your job so you can hash tag them appropriately.
My faithful readers know how much I love a theme song. Today's theme is hand picked for my job seeker community. I've Got A Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas. I've Got A Feeling That HireFriday is going to be a good day, HireFriday is going to be a good, good day, that today is goi
ng to good day. (My Personal Ring Tone 2009)
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