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This video reveals the pitfalls that can happen as a result of group think. Consider viewing this video as you read this post. Group consensus can be railroaded. Of course, at HRevolution, we will not be making major decisions. In the meta-communications sphere, we ought to bear in mind the power of group think, and how it can be the death of dialogue.

As HRevolutionists, falling victim to "group think," is not something we may consider. Have you attended a break-out session at a (un) conference where the group process was usurped by a charismatic personality? Can you recall a time when you were in a meeting where everyone in the group adopted an opinion that was pushed through by an influential person?

In an effort to feel a part of the group, attendees may want to offer tacit approval of an opinion, even if it is not their own. Sometimes a facilitator is overwhelmed by a few powerful participants.. Before we get the cart before the horse, let's define group think.

As attendees of HRevolution, we can prevent group think by:

1. Questioning Authority, and thinking for ourselves.

2. Politely sway the conversation away from the "bull in the china shop."

3. Involve those who aren't speaking into the dialogue.

4. Diplomatically presenting opposing viewpoints-interrupting the "group think" flow.

5. Take a break, a few deep breaths, and divert the participants in a different topic, then gently guide the group back. Invite diverse view points, engage, acknowledge, and appreciate thought diversity.

These are 5 simple points- relate directly to the points made in the video. We have to consider the illusion of invulnerability, watch how powerful personalities apply direct pressure; observe and interrupt the illusion of unanimity, observe self-censorship, and diffuse that by interpreting the non-verbal cues of the people in the session. Self censorship by the pressure of a charismatic few can inhibit important meeting feedback, and deter the ability for the team to make a healthy consensus.

Why do I bring this up before HRevolution? We will be surrounded by thought leaders in our field. It's important to remember that your view point is every bit as important as theirs. <a href="http://twitter.com/stelzner">Mark Stelzner</a> wrote a wonderful post "<a href="http://bit.ly/dcKmba">"5 Tips For Great Facilitation" - http://bit.ly/dcKmbq</a>; ." This is an excellent post. In addition, I recommend Jason Seiden's post "11 Things to Know Before Heading to HRevolution — Jason Seiden <a href="http://bit.ly/aGhR3I">http://bit.ly/aGhR3I</a>; "

I appreciate your thoughts, what do you think? Please comment.

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