I love all of the stories about Kodak today.  Times changed and evolution of digital photography and the end of an Iconic American Brand……..etc….

The hard truth is that management wasn’t smart enough.  They weren’t as good as others they were competing with.  Kodak is a perfect example of a company that was put in a great position but the people running it were not good enough to evolve, to continue to grow.  Is there any doubt that others could have done tons more with that company?

What a great example of how important talent is to an organization.  In the end, it’s everything.  We work in an industry where finding the best talent is key, and sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of how important that is to a company.  Not today.  Yesterday a client told me that a new hire that we placed with them is awesome.  He is running circles around the others there.  He can’t believe the difference.  That’s talent that will have an impact on the company and it’s future.

Todd Kmiec
Todd Kmiec and Associates

Views: 114

Comment by Bill Schultz on January 19, 2012 at 3:47pm

There are great people at Kodak, especially the online side.  To me, it's a perfect example of a company with the biggest competitive advantage ever not able to move it's ass.

GIves hope to the startups.  

Comment by Suresh on January 19, 2012 at 10:20pm
Started in 1880 , it's an amazing run. Unfortunately there are more to follow


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