Earlier this week I read an article in my favourite online magazine which shocked me… A quick caveat though would be to say I fully endorse social media in all its greatness, it’s my day job (so best I do) but I realised maybe I/we need to remember the appropriateness of our actions.
Here are some of the extracts that shocked me, more because I can relate to them so closely:
“A survey conducted by Curry's and PC World found that 53 per cent of respondents admitting to contacting up to 10 friends during a romantic meal and 65 per cent checking their social media updates generally on their phones in general when out for a meal.”
“A fifth also admitted that they would use social networking during a first date. 66 percent said they would check Facebook during a meal, while a third said they would use Twitter throughout the evening for updates.” (Read more at: The Drum)
Now, I am all for Tweeting and Facebooking round the clock, sharing all the good stuff; videos, photos and interesting links but I am now having to remind myself when it’s appropriate to be social. Do you think this could be you too? Maybe, maybe not but one thing I know is that social etiquette is changing and something we may once have considered a faux pas is now the norm but where do we draw the line?
I for one know that I love my other half more than I do social networking but luckily I have managed to get her tweeting!!! Unlike me though, she has social etiquette and probably finds herself telling me to put my iPhone/Pad away far too often (sorry). So upon reading the aforementioned article I decided (A) I would blog about it and (B) I would make a conscious effort to up my social etiquette.
And for all you social media addicts here is my gift to you:
Image sourced from: Forbes
Written by,
Social Media & Marketing Executive @LiptonFleming
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