Online Onboarding Forms Streamline Human Resources

Online onboarding forms are helping HR teams streamline employee file management across the entire department.

The onboarding process is one that is traditionally full of paper. New employees are required to review, fill out and sign a mountain of paperwork before they can join the team on their first day. Considering the variety of forms and documentation needed to cover different types of staff, the onboarding process can be extremely challenging. These days, more and more companies are moving to an electronic onboarding process to streamline new hire paperwork across the entire HR department.

Online Onboarding Forms

With an electronic onboarding solution, all of your forms can be saved online as templates. This is a huge time-saver for your HR team. Instead of worrying about assembling all necessary onboarding forms every time a new hire comes on-onboard, simply select the appropriate template that already includes all of the forms you need.

Your new hires can review, fill out and legally sign all of their onboarding paperwork online before their first day on the job. This allows for an improved experience as new staff can focus on hitting the ground running on their first day, instead of plowing through a stack of paper forms. If it is easier for staff to still complete their forms on Day 1, they can always complete their onboarding packet on a tablet or computer in the office as well.

Automatic Folder Creation

When your onboarding forms are being completed online, it allows for added benefits in managing your staff files going forward. For example, completed onboarding forms can automatically create the new hire's folder for you once the HR team has reviewed everything. All completed onboarding forms can be automatically filed inside.

This saves your team from having to print and scan any documentation, thus eliminating the need for paper from the second your employee is hired. This also saves a ton of time since you do not have to worry about naming each documents and creating the folder structure for every single employee.

Easy Ongoing File Management

Since your employee folders are automatically created after the onboarding process, ongoing file management becomes incredibly simple. Your team can drag-and-drop or scan new documents directly into employee folders; and authorized staff can securely access the files they need instantly, from anywhere.

Automated file audit reports ensure your folders are always up-to-date with required documents and make it easy to share requested files with remote auditors. Segmented access rules allow you to consolidate all of your employee documentation without sacrificing compliance. Best of all, other forms like policy acknowledgements can be renewed easily...

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