It's a few minutes to midnight and I find myself suddenly stricken with a sense of dread. I haven't done my daily plan for tomorrow! We've all heard the old industry axiom of planning your next day before you leave your desk each evening. The fact is, it's so important (for me at least). It never fails. If I don't plan my day, I still manage to get a few things done, but it's never even close to what I achieve when I take the time to create a plan. With all of the opportunities to get side tracked that avail themselves throughout the day; It's nice to be able to have a reminder to rely on. A reminder that never gets distracted by the internet going down or a candidate calling with cold feet. A reminder of all of the real duties of the day and the truly important tasks that lead to closed deals and personal improvement. Having a plan is great, especially if you can actually manage follow it. So, with that said, good-night. I've got a day to plan.

Views: 121

Comment by C. B. Stalling!! on September 7, 2010 at 8:39am
i stop everything at 445 and plan the next day. It takes 15 min or so then back on the phones if I need to for the rest of the hrs.
Plan Plan Plan


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