Pre Constructed Boolean Search Strings Part 24!!!
So this post continues are multi part posting on different pre constructed boolean search strings. Today search strings are designed to find candidates in the Security space, specifically SDE. Keep in mind these strings can be combined with others to form larger more specific search strings. Also keep in mind there are several ways to construct a search string, I am only using one way, there are others. In some cases I will be providing 2 different search strings, 1 will be for most search engines, meta search engines, and ATS or HRIS systems, the other will be for those search engines, meta search engines, and ATS or HRIS systems that are limited in how many words can be used.
Keep in mind that in the first string I use several titles, you can add, delete, substitute any and all titles with these strings. Also I am using Microsoft(MS) technologies, you can easily substitute the MS technologies for Novell, Unix, etc...
Note there are no short strings, to create a short string simply only use part of the bigger string and do multiple searches to cover the same areas.
Also do not be afraid to put all deliminators in parenthesis or quotations, as it will make an even more precise string(example title:"resume" ).
So on to the search strings.
(c++ OR C#) AND win32 AND (designed OR architected OR "product development" OR shipped OR "shrink wrapped" OR "commercial software" OR "commercial product") AND ("software development engineer" OR "software architect" OR "software engineer" OR "software design*" OR "software development lead" OR "development manager" OR "development lead" OR "software design engineer" OR "software team lead" OR "development team lead") AND security AND ("penetration testing" OR "ethical hacking" OR "reverse engineer*" OR hacking OR penetration OR vulnerability)
(c++ OR C#) AND win32 AND (designed OR architected OR "product development" OR shipped OR "shrink wrapped" OR "commercial software" OR "commercial product") AND ("software development engineer" OR "software architect" OR "software engineer" OR "software design*" OR "software development lead" OR "development manager" OR "development lead" OR "software design engineer" OR "software team lead" OR "development team lead") AND security AND ("anti-virus" OR SPAM OR firewall OR Malware)
(c++ OR C#) AND win32 AND (designed OR architected OR "product development" OR shipped OR "shrink wrapped" OR "commercial software" OR "commercial product") AND ("software development engineer" OR "software architect" OR "software engineer" OR "software design*" OR "software development lead" OR "development manager" OR "development lead" OR "software design engineer" OR "software team lead" OR "development team lead") AND security AND (DRM OR "digital rights*" OR "rights management" biometrics OR cryptography OR smartcard)
In part 25 we will see searches for security company/general people.
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