recruitDC Spring 2011 is an action pack day filled with topic sharing, tool gathering and networking. Highlighting many of our local recruiting superstars plus a few out of the area luminaries, recruitDC will bring our DC area recruiting community together for networking and to support best practices.

The day will include keynote presentations as well as concurrent sessions on key topics challenging the recruiting community.

Topics include:

Keynote Presentation: Kris Dunn - CHRO - Kinetix, Founder - Fistful of Talent

Look Your Brand in the Mirror: Assessing and Managing Your Personal Brand – Susan Strayer, Director Employment Brand, Marriott International

Secrets of a Successful Employee Referral Program Gary Cluff, Manager Corporate Recruiting, MITRE

So you launched a Corporate Career Facebook Page, now what? Kerry Noone, Senior Marketing Manager, Sodexo

You have a great idea, now all you need are the resources, buy-in and team to implement it. No problem! Brigit Freedman, Director of Employment, L-3 Global Security and Engineering Solutions

Recruiter Training and Development - What's a Recruiting Leader to do? Larry Clifton, Sr. VP, Recruiting and Workforce Planning, CACI

Strategic Sourcing in 2011 – A Panel Discussion, Kelly Dingee, Strategic Recruiting Manager, Staffing Advisors & Fistful of Talent blogger

Closing Presentation: From Applicant Tracking to the Social Stratosphere - Top Trends in Recruiting Technology, Ed Newman, Blog Writer for Accidental Entrepreneur, former President, The Newman Group

Get your ticket now as recruitDC events always sell out quickly!

Can't wait to see you there!

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