Recruiters and Falsehoods!!!

Falsehoods, that is the nice way to say lies. The act of stating falsehoods, or lies, is way more prevalent in staffing than we would like to think. Some staffing professionals(SPs) seem to feel whatever it takes to land the candidate is ok. Now this is much more prevalent in the contract world then the corporate world, But it does happen in both. Things as simple as, we can pay you this much, when you know you cannot. Are statements that are made that are false. Eventually it does come back to haunt you. As an SP, our business is people, and if we have a bad reputation, as someone that cannot be trusted, then that reputation will get out, and will grow. Now if it just stayed centered on the one SP that would be fine. But the reality is as it grows, as other SPs say things that are not true, and their reputation goes bad, and gets around, the reputation tends to become generalized. It only take a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch. This means while maybe less than 10% of SPs use falsehoods to land the candidate, that less than 10% and their reputation will be what people think of when they think of Staffing Professionals. It is like the NBA referees, only 2-3 were linked to fixing and such, But even though it was only 2-3 out of 100, the fans, players, and even the league questioned all referees. The bad reputation of a few can become the reputation of all, even the good ones. The morale here is before an SP states something they know is false, remember it will be found out, it will get around, and it will not be just your reputation that suffers, but the reputation of all SPs, and the industry itself.

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