Recruitment engagement portals laid bare

A new trend emerging in the recruitment sector is the “engagement” portal. These offer Recruiters opportunities to engage with Employers.

They split into 2 models which can be broadly characterised as:

Tendering sites: e.g. which publish employer’s jobs and invite recruitment agencies to “bid” to work on them, and
Networks: e.g.  which publish employer’s jobs and invite any registered recruitment agency to submit a candidate CV and draw a direct enquiry from the Employer.

The fundamental difference is that with the tendering site the Employer drives the agenda and the Recruiter agrees to comply with the terms of that agenda otherwise you don’t get the work.

With the Network; Employers pay to advertise and escalate their search to an Open Market of multiple Agencies. If the Employer likes your candidate CVs they’re on the phone right away.

They also charge differently:
Tendering sites charge the Recruiter,
Networks charge the Employer.

To put it in perspective:
Tendering sites are like supplying Wal-Mart.
Networks are more like eBay.


Join or form a Network today - there's strength in numbers!

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