RPO: Is It the Right Recruiting Solution for You?

Thinking of using an RPO provider to augment your recruiting and hiring processes? You’re not alone. The RPO market is rapidly growing, and with today’s increasingly dynamic business environment, it’s no surprise. While outsourcing is not a new concept in the world of HR, it has evolved into a more targeted service. More specifically, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a partnership between a company with recruiting needs (RPO buyer) and a company with recruiting services (RPO provider) in which the RPO buyer’s brand is being promoted instead of the provider’s. In essence, the RPO provider is an extension of the RPO buyer’s existing HR department and may assume the company’s technology, methodologies and reporting. Most RPO providers will offer a range of services, from full outsourcing and recruitment projects to contingent workforce projects and blended RPO...

BrightMove Blog

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