After two hours of singing, dancing, and acting, the cast of Newsies was still smiling, as were my wife, Holly, and I. They had just delivered, and we had just watched, one of the best shows we've seen on Broadway in the past decade.
Did one or more cast members dance out of step, flub a line, or sing slightly out of tune? Did the crew miss a cue, misplace a prop, or misdirect a spotlight? Of course, given the imperfect nature of humans. Yet, the show went on and the result was spectacular. Exhausted and imperfect, the cast was still beaming from ear to ear as they danced their last steps and took their final bow to a thunderous standing ovation.
The commitment of the cast and crew exemplified one of the twelve maxims of Radical Accountability, remaining committed to the result, not the process. The audience didn’t know the book, the music, nor the lighting design or staging. When mistakes were made, the job of the cast and crew was to keep going to achieve the result of performing a great show, and that they did.
Customers care about the result, not the methodology that was designed to achieve that result. All too often companies are hyper-focused on their beloved process to the point of telling or implying to employees to follow it no matter what. This leaves even the most committed and intelligent team members severely handicapped when it comes to creating a satisfying result for the customer.
Radical Accountability creates remarkable results because it blends an unwavering commitment to tangible results with sustainable processes and complete discretion within defined parameters. Over the past decade I’ve taught and implemented this innovative approach at hundreds of companies across the globe.
Organizations that instill Radical Accountability into the company’s DNA (Dominant Nexus of Attitudes) consistently outpace the profits of others by 30% or more. Like the performers in Newsies, this has leaders and staff smiling and happy as they enjoy the benefits of practical accountability.
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