So, you want qualified applicants to apply, huh?

Attracting the right applicants to a job posting can be challenging, right? 

Sure. Sometimes. Not always. 

But, getting them to apply might be... 

If your "apply now" process starts like the following, I'd like to point out a possible reaction: "ain't nobody got time for that! 

"Important Information: 

It could take up to 60 minutes to complete this application process. In order to successfully complete the application process, the application must be completed in one sitting; please ensure you have allotted the necessary time before beginning this process."

What this reveals is an arrogant, inconsiderate and out of touch organization that doesn't value others' time. In 2016 there is no need for an application process to take more than a few (very few) minutes. 

If you require anything more than some version of a career document or profile link that you'll probably glance at for fewer than 6 seconds, then you might want to adjust your application steps to a proportionate time ratio for the applicant. 

For example, if you're posting jobs on LinkedIn, but not enabling the "apply via LinkedIn" functionality, perhaps you might wish to include an explanation (on your posting) why you'd rather someone find your ad in one location, yet visit a far more inconvenient separate location only to endure several more clicks and screens. 

But then again, maybe you like the challenge of going for the "I just can't even!" segment of the talent pool. 

Views: 470

Comment by Nicole Antonio-Gadsdon on July 19, 2016 at 11:25am

I just love it when Recruiters / HR Leaders go all out to think about candidate/customer experience and make a concerted effort to put the 'human' before the 'resources'.  Ahem! Much work to be done.  The good news is that for those Recruiters, HR and Leaders who get it - the rewards will be theirs for the taking and the the best talent too. 

Thanks for sharing. I need a 3rd mug of coffee now!


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