So day 2 Purple Squirrel track, as always I will hit the high notes and focus on tools, and methods.
First up Carmen Hudson, what we learned in 20 years. First up build a great personnel network. Don’t be afraid to write stuff to get posted on relevant sites. Mentoring doe s not need to be formal, just ask questions. Be prepared, be organized, move quickly. Do your homework and you research. Don’t be afraid to fail.
Tiffany Ballve “How to Fail Fast to Succeed. Failure is a chance to grow as long as you learn from your failure. Just because you have never done it before does not mean you cant.
Towanda Yancy “You Gotta Talk to Them. The candidate experience: Be rational, Be an Advocate, Be a partner with the recruiter, Be considerate of the Candidates time, be in control, be cognizant, be in touch, be honest, be aware, and be memorable.
Well that is for Day 2 Purple Squirrel. Until next week “may the source be with you.”
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