Recruiting Animal Show - Recording - Feb 27, 2013

Yes, I'm the host - but is everything my fault? Is it my fault if the guest calls in from England on a bad line? I beg the guests, I implore them, over and over: "Sound is important" I say. Then on the show, the other schmoes tell me, "Shut up, Animal, we can hear him fine."

Well, the sound on this one is not that bad - but sometimes it's not that good either so that's my warning.

Steve Hart is a good guy -- or an ambitious one. My scheduled guest cancelled so I put out a plea for a replacement and who puts up his hand first but someone who had never heard the show. He didn't know me from Adam but he was ready to go-go and I didn't have much choice.

But it turned out well. I think. Except that I'm on a different line than the other callers and I have a bit of trouble engaging fully when the other guy sounds like he's at a construction site or the bottom of a swimming pool.

Steve made some listeners angry when he said that there are a lot of greedy young people in recruiting who will do anything to make a placement.

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Recruiting Animal Show - Feb 27, 2013 - Noon EST - LISTEN HERE - @EdenChanges  - Steve on Linkedin -   Website  - Brochure  -  See more at:

Views: 218

Comment by Will Thomson on February 28, 2013 at 3:24pm

@Animal- good show. I thought Stephen was great for someone who had never heard your show until this week.

Comment by Recruiting Animal on February 28, 2013 at 3:26pm


Comment by Amy Ala Miller on February 28, 2013 at 4:20pm

agree with Will. Even though the twitter puppet gallery had me tuned out some, for someone who'd never heard of the show and jumped in at the last minute he was good.

I think what the show was missing was more involvement from listeners... and that's on us Animal because you tell us all the time to call in and speak up. I was streaming so I couldn't chime in but will next time.


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