Talent Management: Are People Your Most Important Asset?

At Cytiva, we sit on a lot of facts and figures that we use in our white papers, webinars, and in generally trying to spread the word of better people practices through technology.

But they tend to exist in silos across our “marketing assets.” How’s that for jargon?

Several days ago, I got inspired to tie many of these talent management facts together to tell the larger story of how business has changed. And how leaders and people managers have to take notice and “change” the way they source and manage their people.

Many (many) hours later, here it is.

Whether you’re looking at recruiting software, employee performance management software, onboarding software or none of the above, the fact is you have to acknowledge that what you did yesterday is not necessarily what you need to do today or tomorrow.

The mission has changed. It’s a new world with many new players. Technology is blurring the lines between applicants, candidates, employees, customers and, as the video emphasizes, “people.”

I hope you like it. Consensus and criticism is equally welcomed.

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