The 3 things I am most passionate about! What will you be known for?

My top 3 passions are:

  1. Family.
  2. Dedication to Business excellence and the development of the Human Resource Profession.
  3. Volunteering- developing productive relationships in my communities.

So the question is how do you go about living your life around your passions, and what does it tell others about you?

For me it’s about:

  1. Putting others before myself.
  2. Making sure I keep my mind focused on what can be done and what must be done.
  3. Knowing that my communities are not limited by physical boundaries and they are all important. (Many people use different social mediums).
  4. Serving others and not self-serving. (How many people do you know who get on boards for reasons to promote themselves)?
  5. Spending 80% at Board meetings talking about how we can fix things and only 20% about what we have already done.
  6. Asking those around me at our meetings to keep their business hat on (rather then take it off or turn it the other way)- Strange how people change, when they move from their job to a community role.
  7. Preferring to plant long-term seeds rather than annuals.
  8. Preferring root cause solutions to Band Aid.
  9. Preferring results rather than great processes.
  10. Doing the work not just thinking it through

I do what I love to do, and I am the same whatever I do- I have no mask.

So what excites me and what I get enthusiastic about is whom I am.

So it’s not what I do or who I know it’s what others know about me.

The question is who are you and what do you want to be known for.

Picture – Princess Diana – The Peoples’ Princess – Known for Her passion for Humanitarianism

Views: 1144


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