This is the time of year when we start to think about what we want to achieve in the year ahead.
We set our goals and resolutions only to find that most fall short of what we were so determined to do.
So what started this blog?
I spontaneously sent out a replying tweet out to @PinkOliveFamily – (Susan Kang Nam) saying “is 2011 ready for me? :)”
Talk about fate or karma! Susan and I got on the phone and she inspired me to think some more about that tweet and she is great at getting
you thinking. I am sure we started a conversation that will last!
So what did I mean?
· 2011 will not be the same as 2010. I remember not achieving many of the things that I wanted to because a number of situations
stopped or slowed me up along the way.
o I have learned that my Instincts, knowledge and awareness give invaluable insights
that I must not ignore or set aside and I must reinforce them so that I can
overcome future constraints.
· Some of the special people I met in 2010 have encouraged me to use my talents and gifts.
o I will remember that being inspired by friends is a gift of itself, and that I must
use my talents and gifts for good purpose and thus 2011 will see me attain achievements
not attainable before.
· I remind myself that I am accountable for what I do, and to be accountable means having
the courage and persistence to do things when others are uncertain, are not in
agreement or tell you that what you say is not popular.
o I need to reflect that to think differently and to challenge is not so bad and is indeed
necessary for change, and I am encouraged to continue to do so. To do otherwise
is to maintain the norm.
· That a “can do attitude” is not only essential but also critical to business today and it
matters not that others say, “it’s
not my job”.
o That my talent to seethe “art of the possible” is not so common and I must use it.
· That to think differently about how my profession must grow is essential.
o I know that a different approach offers much richness and inclusiveness to any conversation,
and not to make my voice heard productively would be to diminish the profession
and myself.
· That passion and voice when combined offers edginess,
which sometimes makes others uncomfortable.
o I understand and know that passion and voice together are necessary to achieve
new thinking
· That conversations need to include different opinions to gain new ways of
o That differing opinions provide a basis for positive conflict and airing of
differences and that those differences will bring together common
· That being a leader often calls me to consider what is necessary and essential for the
greater good of the work that I do and for whom I do that work.
o That I must be true to the cause and be authentic and transparent and have the courage
to be so.
In writing this I am mindful that many others could have written it with similar sentiments.
So let’s look forward to 2011. Indeed, let’s welcome the year in with open arms and minds.
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